Clear Braces Pasadena, TX

Clear Braces Pasadena, TX

Orthodontic treatment today doesn’t always require traditional metal brackets and wires. In fact, several modern options include invisible braces made of either tooth-colored materials or clear plastic. At Magic Touch Dental our patients like having a discreet alternative to more noticeable metal braces.

Orthodontic Correction with Clear Teeth Straighteners

Clear dental braces are just like traditional metal orthodontics except they are less noticeable! Clear teeth straighteners or ceramic braces in Pasadena provide patients with an equally effective treatment.

Clear teeth aligners are not the same as clear braces. Invisalign aligners are orthodontic appliances made of hard, clear plastic custom-fitted for your unique oral cavity. Clear aligner braces work well for patients in need of minor orthodontic correction.

Pros and Cons of Clear Braces in Pasadena, TX

The orthodontic treatment you choose, must meet your needs and fit your lifestyle. Clear braces for adults and teens are a great option for many patients. But, your Pasadena orthodontist will work with you to determine the best course of treatment for your situation.

  • Pros: Invisible aligners and ceramic braces offer more discreet orthodontic treatment than metal braces. Clear braces are the aesthetic alternative. Many patients feel more confident about getting the treatment they need knowing they won’t have to wear a mouth full of metal.
  • Cons: Invisalign treatment, other clear teeth aligners, and ceramic braces are more expensive than metal braces. Clear braces cost more because orthodontic treatment time is often longer than with traditional metal brackets and wires. For this reason, convenient financing options are available at Magic Touch Dental in Pasadena. In addition, ceramic braces are prone to staining when you smoke or eat and drink heavily pigmented foods and beverages.

Invisalign Dentist in Pasadena, TX

Schedule a consultation with our experienced dental team to determine if Invisalign treatment or clear braces are the best choices for you. Our Pasadena Invisalign dentist near you will answer all questions and provide additional information about each treatment option. To learn more invisible braces and all the available options, contact our Pasadena dental office near you today to book an appointment.

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